Modern Mindful Hypnotherapy

The Truth About Hypnosis

The Truth About Hypnosis




The truth is – your success is up to you, not me.
If you think you will simply go to sleep, while I cast some kind of magical spell and you wake up changed, you are wrong!
I cannot make the change for you.

What I can do, is use hypnosis as a way of helping you, and teaching you how to use your own inner power to create positive change. Because of my extensive training at HMI, I have skills that can help you achieve your goals. In addition to hypnosis, I will use NLP techniques to amplify that process, if you do the necessary work.

It is up to you to follow the direction you are given. You will have to participate in your own success. You will have to do the journaling, or listen to an audio. You will have to invest time and of course the money for your own success.

So, before booking a session with me, be aware, I do not take all clients that call. If after the first session you are not committed to yourself enough to do the work necessary for change, I am not willing to spend my time attempting to convince you. Hypnosis works if you get out of your own way and allow it.  

If you are ready to make powerful, positive change in your own life, and willing to do the work, please click the link below and schedule your 2 hour initial intake session.  Indicate if you want your session over zoom, in the Salisbury MD, or West Ocean City MD location.  

Call now for a free consultation 410-936-7428

What Is The Purpose Of Hypnosis?

The purpose of hypnosis is to help a person utilize their own mind to help reduce or alleviate a variety of issues, such as anxiety, fears and phobias, unhealthy or destructive habits (smoking, compulsive eating, etc..). The goal is to create positive change in the subconscious mind while he/she is in the hypnotic state.

There are two key concepts for understanding why hypnosis is such an important tool for creating life changes.

Homeostasis: Homeostasis is our innate unconscious drive to “stay the same”, that is to say resist all changes at a subconscious level. While we may desire a change in our feelings, reactions or habits, at a deeper level our subconscious defense mechanisms seek to preserve the status quo, ie… resist all efforts to change. So while talking, planning, discussion and rational understanding of behavior are all important concepts, they do not address our subconscious need to sabotage our success and/or efforts to change.

Neuroplasticity: On a personal, spiritual and behavioral level, neuroplasticity is the ability of the brain to change throughout an individual’s life. Our ability to changes beliefs, emotional responses and behavioral habits is dependent on the flexibility of or our mind. Hypnosis, Therapeutic Imagery, NLP, mindfulness and more are the tools used in hypnotherapy to facilitate the internal, emotional, behavioral flexibility need to overcome homeostasis and release our subconscious needs to sabotage our success or resist our desires for change.

For more information about hypnosis please go to my FAQ page

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