Lenora Curtis
Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist
Imagery Master
Certified IEMT Practitioner
NLP Practitioner
Handwriting Analyst
Trauma Life Coach
Get To Know Me
A Little Bit About Myself
I am a mom, grandmom and pet mom. My passion in life is to learn more so I can guide more people out of the negativity and into the life they deserve. I have been down many roads in life, and decided to use the adversity I endured as a strength to improve not only my life, but the lives of others that are struggling to get out of the rut of lack and unhappiness. I grew up in a poor family. My mother was a single mom of 6. There was a lot of neglect and abuse. I watched this happen and watched as my family members continue to do the same thing over and over and expect a different result. From an early age, I knew I was not going to follow this pattern. I knew somehow I was going to find my way out. It took years, it took determination and a curiosity. I asked myself, but what if? What if I could succeed? What if I could live my dream? What if? Are you ready to dare to ask What If?
My Mission & Approach
My mission is to help those that are ready for change. Those that are ready to face the discomfort of breaking old patterns and behaviors. My approach is simple, I am honest and transparent. I am not politically correct, I am human. I use my life experience to connect, my knowledge, skill and training mixed with intuition to guide others into the change they desire.
I’v Been Helping Create Positive Changes In People's Lives For Over 20 Years.
Areas Of Specialty
Fears & Phobias
Do you have a panic attack when driving? Are you terrified of flying? Do you make excuses to stay home because of fear or phobia? Are you ready to let it go?
Personal Growth
Do you feel like you are stuck in a rut? Does it seem like you can't catch a break? Call me and let's explore how you can change old beliefs or thought limitations that hold you back from success.
Building Self - Confidence
If you have that nagging thought that says "Don't do it, what if you fail" or you think you can't do better, hypnosis can help. Call Now,
Navigating Changes
Do you find change difficult? Does the fear of the unknown scare you? Are you trying to control every situation to avoid change? Let's work together to help you navigate change in a way that benefits you.
Inner Child Healing
Has life been tough for as long as you can remember? Do you feel like you were not emotionally supported by the adults in your life? Healing the past has a positive impact on your future. Why wait? Your better future is waiting for you.
Hypno Life Coach
For those that need extra support and guidance I offer a Hypno Life Coach Package. This enables you to have more access to weekly hypnosis sessions to reset those stress hormones, weekly phone calls and late night calls when you feel you need it.
Professional Background
During my 25+ years in upper management I have been coaching and mentoring others and helping them achieve their highest potential. The knowledge gained through life experience, coupled with the best possible education in hypnotherapy has enabled me to help others grow and evolve personally and professionally.
In the past 4 years, I have successfully completed over 8000 hypnosis session with over 500 clients in 9 countries.
Diploma in Clinical Hypnotherapy with Honors from Hypnosis Motivation Institute, the only nationally accredited college of hypnotherapy in the United States.
- Associate Degree Mind-Body Psychology
- Diploma in Clinical Hypnotherapy with Homors
- Forward Facing Trauma Specialist

My Own Journey To Self Discovery
As children we are absorbing information from the world around us. If growing up in a chaotic environment, the child learns to develop defense mechanisms to cope. Those defense mechanisms may have been needed at that time, but later in life can cause a great deal of problems.
In my own journey, I discovered I have an avoidant and insecure attachment. Relationships of any kind are dangerous and unpredictable. Avoiding relationships were a way of maintaining safety and control. This is just one of many ways we deal with toxic stress and adversity. Because of my story, I am able to help realize they can be the hero of their own story.
Because of hypnotherapy, it is now safe to tell my story and no longer dwell in it. It is now, just an experience that has turned into my strength.
I grew up child number 5 of 6 in a single mother household. There was a lot of toxic stress and adversity, but I managed. It was a way of life and all I knew, therefore I did not realize it was not “normal.” As I grew, I noticed things, and I made up my mind I was going to be different. Although I had no idea how, I just knew I was not going to do the same thing my family was doing.
Throughout my years as a single mom, I struggled. I worked 2 and 3 jobs year after year. It seemed like, although I could provide, I could never get ahead. I worked jobs I hated only to pay the bills. I loved the people I worked with and loved helping others do better, while I just coasted along.
As time went on, my daughter grew up and I found myself wondering how other people did so well. Why did they seem so lucky? Why couldn’t I achieve success like other people did? I knew there had to be more to this life. I knew there had to be more for me.